Mark Oliver's World

9 'Blazor' posts

All 9 posts tagged with 'Blazor' are displayed here, click a link to see the full post


Speeding Up The Initial Load

My site is a static WASM one, there is no server host involved.
Therefore in order to display the dynamic content of the site, all the "code" must be downloaded to the browser, and then run within the browser to generate the content.

This is a downside to Blazor WASM, and the clever peeps at Micros...


Setting Up A Sitemap

Google works best for your website if you give it a sitemap.
This is a full list of all the Uri's of all the pages on your site.

There are several ways to do this, and Google Help will show you how.

So I need one for...


Secrets Within Blazor WASM

A Blazor WASM app runs wholely on the client, therefore we cannot ask the server to store our secret and access it privately.

So how do we keep our secrets safe, yet still not commit them hard coded in our code in our repo?

The simple answer is YOU CANNOT. So don't commit any secrets in WASM code...


Getting Twitter To Work

Hello again, in How I Built This Blog Part 3, we were unable to get Twitter to render the timeline on our page, nor could we get it reliably showing the "Tweet me" button.

The "Tweet me" button.

Its simple really, we add

            <script async src="https://platform....


How I Built This Blog Part 3

Yesterday I watched a great talk by Stacy Cashmore. In that talk she described a very similar process to mine to build her own branded Blog.

So I thought I would use her new Blazor based blog as an inspiration to some improvements t...


Error When Incorrect Post Uri Used

I noticed that when an invalid Uri is used to access one of these Blazor based Blog posts, we don't get a 404 error (see Why Can I Not Jump Direct To A Blog Post? ) we get an error in the console thrown by the code base.

What is going on? Off to the debu...


How I Built This Blog Part 2

So we left it as this needs to be done:

  • The posts ordered in date order.
  • The list of posts to be determined programmatically not from a hard coded list
  • Somewhere to store images for the posts for free (not my google drive account as at present)
  • A way to feedback on a post - preferably via T...


Why Can I Not Jump Direct To A Blog Post

So I thought I had got my blog up and running in Azure static web apps. It is displayed in a browser fine. I even setup a custom domain, however I cannot publish any direct post links, as it generates a 404.

It turns out this is a [known issue](


How I Built This Blog

I wanted to build a blog website, as its all the rage, but primarily, because its a great way to learn more about Blazor WebAssembly (WASM).

My thinking was that I can host the blog for free in Azure Static Web Apps, and run the dynamic parts using Blazor WASM.
Most of a blog is static, so seemed a...