Mark Oliver's World

5 'unit testing' posts

All 5 posts tagged with 'unit testing' are displayed here, click a link to see the full post.

Forcing Tests To Run In A Specific Order Using MSTest


By default, MSTest will run all tests in alphabetical order based on their name.

This means, you should be able to know when a test will run in relation to another.

For example, if you prefix your tests with TX...

Using ObjectDumper Breathed New Life Into A Complex System


For a previous article on Testing in Dotnet, I wrote about the package ObjectDumper.Net

I use this for lots of things, but it is great to add to a test to really see what an object looks like.

So it was obvious for me that I...

Querying Console Output In Your Tests


Hello, and welcome to my blog post for December 16th of the C# Advent Calendar 2023.

Organised by Matthew Groves.

I wont tell you about me, but if you are interested, check out my About me page.

Last year in one...

Testing In Dotnet


Hello, and welcome to my blog post for December 15th of the .NET Advent Calendar 2022.

Organised by Dustin Morris Gorski on Twitter.

I wont tell you about me, but if you are interested, check out my About me page....

Testing This Site


This site started as an easy way to learn Azure Static Web Apps, and an ego thing to figure out if I could build a WASM based blog.

I have satisfied those things for sure, but I have also realised I like writing these posts!

So Im keeping this site around, which means the code I have written n...