Mark Oliver's World

Posted: 03/07/2021

Remote Meetings

Most software engineers in the UK have been having virtual meetings for over a year now, due to Lockdown, and new colleagues working remotely.

Some of my thoughts on how to keep these effective.

  • Cameras on
    This one is controversial for lots of good reasons, but I find it a lot easier to connect to others and understand tone if I can see someone on Camera. I work in my bedroom, so I have made adjustments to my camera feed to make me more comfortable showing that to my colleagues.
    I never will or have pushed anyone to have Camera on, but I do find it a better experience.

  • Have some time for "connecting"
    Due to not being in the office with your colleagues, you need to take time to connect with everyone. Therefore the start of a meeting should feel like a time to do that connecting. Ask how people are, how there kids are, What is their dog upto in thebackground. Mention the cool Lego set etc. These help you connect, and stay connected.

I think also the normal things for a meeting also apply, such as Agendas and having the right people, and someone keeping it on track.

Thanks for reading this post.

If you want to reach out, catch me on Twitter!

I am always open to mentoring people, so get in touch.