Mark Oliver's World

2 'Parenting' posts

All 2 posts tagged with 'Parenting' are displayed here, click a link to see the full post


Lego Saturday

Today was a lego day!
It started at 6:30 this morning when woken up by 5. He wanted to play lego batman on the wii.
Should I be worried that he loves playing the villains and beating up the Cops??

Anyway, it's Saturday so why not? 3 hours later we have some breakfast. Oops

After a good break, he a...


Being A 5 Year Old

My son is now 5.

Its a wonderful time. He is reading and writing now.
Lockdown homeschooling at the start of 2021 improved both of these significantly.

But despite him knowing more about space, astronomy, the countries of the world and all manner of other things (thanks YouTube) than most people w...