Mark Oliver's World

3 'bootstrap' posts

All 3 posts tagged with 'bootstrap' are displayed here, click a link to see the full post.

Tagging Posts


As the number of posts are growing on this site, I am finding it harder and harder to find related items. I have already added a Search in, but sometimes, I want to see all my "Job Search" posts together, and not rely on them having the exact words I search for.


Highlighting Search Terms


From my search page, you can search all the blog posts on this site.

As part of the results, I show a few characters either side of the found search term in the post.
It can also show multiple sections of a single post if multiple matches are found. e.g.

[Search for "Blazor"](/Search/b...

Customising The Blazor Loading Page


I sent this tweet out the other day :