Mark Oliver's World

11 'job search' posts

All 11 posts tagged with 'job search' are displayed here, click a link to see the full post.

Speaking At A Careers Day


I was recently asked by my sons school to come and talk to the children about my career as a Software Engineer.

I always try to do these when asked, as I think it is a great honour to be able to impart knowledge and enthuse young people, especially in my chosen career.

This time, I was talking to...

Job Search 2021 _ The End


After 5 weeks of looking for a new Senior .NET role, today I accepted an offer!

Its for a great company, with an exciting set of products, a great vision, a fantastic team to work with and most importantly of all a great work life balance for me.

In order to get to this point, I have found it exh...

Job Search 2021 _ Working With Recruiters


Recruitment agents are generally the best way to find positions here in the UK.
They work on commission which is normally a percentage of the salary of the person they introduce to the company who gets hired.
So it's in their best interests to get you the best salary.

For us looking for a role i...

Job Search 2021 _ A Live Programming Test


It's a new day, so its time for another interview, and this time its a live programming test!

I thought it was going to be setup like a "pair programming" concept, but turned out it was more of a "watch while you code", while talking about your decisions out loud with the occasional question thrown...

Job Search 2021 _ Another Programming Test _ Feedback


I wrote about this programming test recently for a job interview.

Since it has been submitted, I have had some feedback, which I would like to follow up with.
Unfortunately, the company decided that they would not give me the opportunity to talk with t...

Job Search 2021 _ Another Programming Test


I have already spoken about my issue with programming tests for interview, and again, in order to get an interview, I have completed one by treating it as a learning exercise.
This time to practice TDD on a legacy application.
Can I still write a comprehensive t...

Job Search 2021 _ Choosing The Right Role


So far in my current search I have been flooded with calls by recruitment agents with tantalising roles ( is the primary source of these, but LinkedIn & Indeed are candidates too)

As the recruiters are not all offering the same roles, there seems to be a lot of roles to suit me out there....

Job Search 2021 _ Technical Tests


I'm not a huge fan of taking or administering technical coding tests. Don't get me wrong, over the course of my career, I have done many of them, and have given many of them too.

They do have there place, especially if you are unsure of the skills. But most development jobs are way more than coding...

Job Search 2021 _ Using Your Friends


When I started looking for a new job, my friends network was my first port of call.

This involved talking to my friends, telling them im looking and a post on facebook.

This garnered a few responses from friends telling me about positions open in the companies they work at.

Awesome start!

The co...

Job Search 2021 _ Where To Look


Now I have setup my shop front, its time to look for a job.

So Im going to use my network to start with before going to the professional recruiters. I like the idea of finding a job through my network without relying on external help. Besides its often more cost...

Job Search 2021 _ Initial Steps


After taking a long & well earned rest, its now time to venture back into the working world.

So I thought I would chronicle my journey.

First thing I did was ensure my LinkedIn profile was up to date.

I use LinkedIn to have a fuller account of my career history, as its not as limiting as a CV.
