Mark Oliver's World

4 'docker' posts

All 4 posts tagged with 'docker' are displayed here, click a link to see the full post.

Docker Compose Scaling Gotcha Part 2


Check out my previous gotchas!

Today I ran this command to scaled from 5 existing services, to 10 copies of service1

docker compose -f config.env up -d --scale service1=10 service1

What do you think happens?

Well, again, not what I was expecting!

I was expec...

Dynamically Changing Docker Container Limits


We have limits set on our docker containers to limit things like CPU usage, and memory usage.

These are defined in docker compose configuration YAML files, and are set at runtime.

For instance, this setting sets the CPU to only be 95% of the available CPUs, and limit the Memory to 5000MB


Docker Compose Parallel Gotcha


Time for another Gotcha with Docker.

This time, we kept seeing calls in Azure DevOps to docker compose up that would never complete. It would start some of the services (We have about 40), and then it would just hang.

We have recently upgraded to Docker Compose V2 due to V1 b...

Docker Compose Scaling Gotcha


Today I ran this command:

docker-compose up -d --scale service1=10

Then ran this command:

docker-compose up -d --scale anotherservice2=10

What do you think happens?

Well not what I was expecting.

I was expecting service1 to have 10 scaled versions, and `anotherservice...