3 'hobbies' posts
All 3 posts tagged with 'hobbies' are displayed here, click a link to see the full post.
Its Time To Talk About Lego
I am a big fan of lego, which is a fairly new thing for me, I didn't have any as a kid.
However as an adult with disposable income, I get lots of pleasure from Lego. It is a great stress and anxiety reliever for me.
My "Want to Buy list" at the moment contains:
February 2022 Lego Builds
My lego obsession is in full swing now, so I thought I would tell you what I have been building this month.
I have been coveting for months the 76193 - Lego The Guardians' Ship.
I have been told that it has an actual name (Benatar), w...
Sorting Lego
I have become a bit obsessed with Lego recently.
We could never afford it as a kid, and now I have a kid and a bit of spare cash, lego has become a favourite in the household.
It helps also that Lego Masters (Uk, Australia and USA) has become a bit more prevalent on the TV, and my son has picked up...