Mark Oliver's World

Posted: 08/01/2024

Four Years Have Gone


The last year I have tried to move on, to see more people, to do more things, to reconnect with myself, to reconnect with our family, to live my life.

It has meant I needed to let go of some of that crippling grief.

I still miss you every day, but I feel you all the time... in the small things: Seeing an odd pair of socks, a crazy pair of shoes, a stupid crude joke, the music you listened to and the movies we loved and most of all in the joy in our kids faces.

I never thought I would have to go through life without you, I expected you to be there for it all.

4 years have gone by, and I have felt every day of that time, the grief has often swallowed me whole, but I have pushed through it, and I am here.

Love you always, M.

Thanks for reading this post.

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I am always open to mentoring people, so get in touch.