Mark Oliver's World

17 'Building This Blog' posts

All 17 posts tagged with 'Building This Blog' are displayed here, click a link to see the full post


Caching The Contents Of This Site

This site is all stored statically (to make it completely free to host in Azure Static Web Apps), but it is generated dynamically using Blazor webassembly!

Find out more how I built this blog here

So because of that, it needs to be fast to run, and more importantly...


Speeding Up The Initial Load

My site is a static WASM one, there is no server host involved.
Therefore in order to display the dynamic content of the site, all the "code" must be downloaded to the browser, and then run within the browser to generate the content.

This is a downside to Blazor WASM, and the clever peeps at Micros...


Setting Up A Sitemap

Google works best for your website if you give it a sitemap.
This is a full list of all the Uri's of all the pages on your site.

There are several ways to do this, and Google Help will show you how.

So I need one for...


Adding Category Pages

Now we have tags on posts, it is easy to see all related posts, but there is no way to access a list of the known categories/tags.

So lets add one.

What do we need?

A new page "Category List" needs to be created.
This page will query the blogpostpopulater...


Tagging Posts

As the number of posts are growing on this site, I am finding it harder and harder to find related items. I have already added a Search in, but sometimes, I want to see all my "Job Search" posts together, and not rely on them having the exact words I search for....


Highlighting Search Terms

From my search page, you can search all the blog posts on this site.

As part of the results, I show a few characters either side of the found search term in the post.
It can also show multiple sections of a single post if multiple matches are found. e.g.

[Search for "Blazor"](/Search/b...


Adding A Site Search

As the site gets more and more posts, its important to have the capability to search on the site.

Now there are several ways to do this:


Making This Site More Accessible

I want to make this site as accessible for everyone as I can.

            What is Web Accessibility Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. More specifically, people can:  * perceive, understand, navigate, and...


Customising The Blazor Loading Page

I sent this tweet out the other day :