Mark Oliver's World

5 'bereavement' posts

All 5 posts tagged with 'bereavement' are displayed here, click a link to see the full post.

Four Years Have Gone



The last year I have tried to move on, to see more people, to do more things, to reconnect with myself, to reconnect with our family, to live my life.

It has meant I needed to let go of some of that crippling grief.

I still miss you every day, but I feel you all the time... in the small things...

Three Years Have Gone



3 years have gone by, and it feels like yesterday. So much has happened, yet so little too.

Families have wained, friendships needed rekindling, and through it all there has been that feeling of emptiness and loss.

3 years without a part of me, 3 years without my whole heart, 3 years without...

Two Years Have Gone


A poem.

Two years, now.
Wow, it went so fast!
Everyday I think of you,
everyday I miss you.
But the grief is easier now.

I don't find myself uncontrollably sobbing,
or suddenly bursting into tears.
The sad times come for sure,
but I can feel them coming.
THEY are not controlling ME.

Reading o...

Its Been A Year


January 2020 I lost my twin brother at the age of 41. I wanted to write something about him.*

A year has passed since you left. It feels only yesterday.

The year has gone so fast, and with so much pain for not only the family, but the world too.
Its been so hard not having you here, but even hard...

Being The Executor Of Someones Will


Being an executor is a huge responsibility, that I did not realise at the time of being asked.
Mainly it is lots of letters, phone calls and emails, but also visits to the bank.

You need to be an excellent organiser and ideally know how to make spreadsheets too.
There's so much to do: Gather al...